School Improvement
Honaker Elementary/Middle School
Planning Team
Jennifer Eaton, Principal
Dr. Kimberly Hooker, Central Office
Brett Newberry, Discipline/Attendance
Heather Keen and Ashley Lester, Parent Involvement
Janice Barton, Steering Committee
Becky Cook, Pre-K
Tammy Rose, Kindergarten
Charlotte Hess, First Grade
Jeanene Compton, Second Grade
Tamar Bush, Third Grade
Melissa Stinson, Fourth Grade
Cyndi Whited, Fifth Grade
Carrie Cook, Language Arts (6th and 7th Grade)
Rita McFaddin, Math and Science (6th and 7th Grade)
Tony Bailey, History (6th and 7th Grade)
Jamie Ball, Community
CLICK HERE to go to the HES School Report Card with the most recent SOL Data.
Russell County Public Schools
School Improvement Plan Reporting Form
Honaker Elementary School
Grade Levels Served: Pre-K - 7
English Goal
All students will perform at passing or above on all state SOL’s and will increase performance by 5% or more on all of the federally mandated subgroup areas in grades Pre-K-7 by the end of the 2016-2017 school year.
Strategies for Reading
Pre-K-1 Reading: All students will read at/or above grade level by the end of the 2016-2017 school year. All students will perform at 88% or above on all SOL skill areas by the end of the 2016-2017 school year.
Measures: As demonstrated by meeting all benchmarks on the PAL’s skills assessment; By scoring 88% or above on the Pre or Posttest textbook assessments.
Grade 2 Reading: All students will read at/or above grade level by the end of the 2016-2017 school year. All students will perform at/or above passing on all their SOL reading skills by the end of the 2016-2017 school year.
Measures: Meet all PAL’s reading assessment benchmarks; By using the interactive achievement benchmark test results; the teacher percentile rankings and the student data results from the end of each nine weeks testing cycle; Remediation and improvement results for all students scoring below 70% on the nine-week benchmark tests for all skills; By scoring 70% or above on the Pre & Posttest textbook assessments.
Grade 3-7 Reading: All students will improve their reading performance on all state SOL skill areas to passing or above by the end of the 2016-2017 school year.All students in the federal subgroup categories will increase their performance by five percent or more by the end of the 2016-2017 school year.
Measures: By using the interactive achievement benchmark test results; the teacher percentile rankings and the student data results from the end of each nine weeks testing cycle. Remediation and improvement results for all students scoring below 70% on the nine week benchmark tests for all skills. The actual SOL test results on all reading skills.
Math Goal
All students will perform at or above passing on all state SOL skills tested areas and will increase performance by five percent or more on all the federally mandated subgroup areas in grades Pre-K-7 by the end of the 2015 - 2016 school year.
Strategies for Math
Pre-K-1 Math: All students will perform by showing measurable progress on all SOL math skills by the end of the 2016-2017 school year.
Measures: Demonstrated by all students meeting all benchmarks on math skills assessment; Demonstrated by all students scoring 90% or above on the Pre or Posttest textbook assessment.
Grade 2 Math: All students will show measurable progress on all their SOL math skills by the end of the 2016-2017 school year.
Measures: As demonstrated on math assessment of student skills; By using the interactive achievement benchmark test results; the teacher percentile rankings and the student data results from the end of each nine weeks testing cycle; Remediation and improvement results for all students scoring below 70% on the nine week benchmark tests for all skills; Demonstrated by all students scoring 90% or above on the Pre or Posttest textbook assessment.
Grade 3-7 Math: All students will improve their math performance on all state SOL’s to all achieving a passing score by the end of the 2016-2017 school year. All students in the federal subgroup categories will increase their performance by five percent or more by the end of the 2016-2017 school year.
Measures: By using the interactive achievement benchmark test results; the teacher percentile rankings and the student data results from the end of each nine weeks testing cycle; Remediation and improvement results for all students scoring below 70% on the nine week benchmark tests for all skills; The actual SOL test results of all skills at the end of the year.
All students attending Honaker Elementary School will have 95% or higher attendance for the 2016-2017 school year
Strategies for Attendance
Student attendance will be monitored per six weeks and students rewarded based on perfect attendance with recognition and awards.
Parents will be notified of students with excessive unexcused absences and will be required to meet and discuss the consequences.
Students with excessive absences will meet with the truancy officer, further absences will result in the student being referred to the court system.
Honaker Elementary School will improve parental involvement by 5% as documented by sign-in sheets and participation in school activities for the 2016-2017 school year.
Strategies for Parental Involvement
Honaker Elementary School will host three School-wide Title I committee meetings with an open invitation to all parents during the 2016-2017 school year.
Honaker Elementary School will solicit the opinions/interests of parents using the school improvement survey.
All parents will be encouraged to attend the school's orientation, open house night, various plays, and the end-of-year student awards.